ARtwin 2nd newsletter issue was released
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The 2nd newsletter of ARtwin was released on October 2020, mainly presenting the ARtwin platform and its 4 interactive...
ARtwin final event at AWE Europe 2022
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On October 20th 2022, we presented ARtwin platform and use cases at AWE Europe 2022, at a dedicated slot...
ARtwin vision, applications and benefits: Interview with Jérôme Royan, ARtwin Technical Manager
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The European project ARtwin imagines the future of industry and construction through Augmented Reality (AR) on a large scale....
The ARtwin Remote Rendering service
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One could safely assume that smartphones, tablets, and prospectively smart glasses are drivers for the future of spatial computing....
ARTWIN 3rd project meeting
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On Wednesday, the 17th of March, the H2020 ARtwin project organised its 3rd Consortium meeting. Much to our regret...
ARtwin participated in the Coordinator workshop on Interactive Technologies
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ARtwin participated in the “Coordinator workshop on Interactive Technologies” that was organised by DG CONNECT on June 26th 2020,...
ARtwin end-users workshops held in SIEMENS for AR enabled factory worker and AR based factory planning
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As the closing of our project is approaching, a series of workshops is under implementation at our pilot sites,...
Digital Twin Awareness Day
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ARtwin attended the Digital Twin Awareness Day, organised by Bentley institute and COMIT on Tuesday, the 22nd of September,...